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#179 Try Force Podcast: Lower Force Admiral Rupaul Thrawn


Welcome Walljangers to another Try-Force Podcast with Mattman, Oldman, Wonder Cat, and Big Brother. Each week we talk about the latest in geek culture and nerdy news. This week The greatest Poke Balls of the all, Recovering Assassin Daredevil, Iron Fist has to go, The Toxic Targaryen Avenger, Reminiscing about the days before the skip button, Kate Bishop and a Pizza dog, John Diggle Green Lantern needed, Barry Allen's Baby Blunder, HBO doubles down on Batman TV shows, WB releases everything on the Max's and in theaters, Old school dragon sketches, Gotham Knights is going offline, Freemium Transformers game, Playstation 5 air purifier and more. As always thanks for watching and Game on!

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